The Musculoskeletal Imaging Section offers state of the art imaging of disorders of the bones, joints, and associated soft tissues using a wide variety of modalities, including conventional radiography, computed tomography (CT), ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A dedicated crew of Orthopaedic Radiology Technologists in the Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine provides exquisite imaging of bone and joints using digital radiography. Our state-of-the art multichannel CT scanners allow three-dimensional reconstructions of any body part, and scans are routinely requested by our surgeons performing complicated orthopaedic procedures or joint replacements; spectral CT also allows for reduction of metal artifact caused by orthopaedic prostheses, as well as advanced imaging of gout. Our 1.5T and 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging scanners provide excellent imaging of bones, soft tissue, and joints such as the knee, shoulder, hip, elbow, and ankle, as well as detailed imaging of the hand, wrist and foot. Many of our musculoskeletal ultrasound examinations are directly performed by our radiologists.
For more information regarding musculoskeletal imaging, select from the links below.